James Foundation Family Fun Night @ Trine University
Trine University Innovation One and The Makerspace Innovation Learning Lab
(MILL) would like to invite you to join us in a fun evening in the MILL to learn
about the equipment we have and participate in a couple of hands-on activities.
When: Wednesday February 14th 4-7pm
Where: First Floor SDI Building at Trine University, Building #48 on campus map
- Trine T-Shirt Making
- Laser Cutting & Decorating Wood Trine Sign
- 3D Printing Trine Keychains
- Lab Tours & Equipment Demos
- Pizza & Drinks will be served at 5pm while supplies last**
We also invite all our guests to head over and watch our Trine University Men’s and Women’s
Basketball teams for Senior Night
Thunder Women vs Olivet @ 5:30pm in the MTI Center, Building 6 on campus map
Thunder Men vs Kalamazoo @ 7:30pm in the MTI Center, Building 6 on campus map
Admission is free to participating families!!
Just check in at the ticket booth with family name!
Registration Open for the first 100 Kids Through February 7th See Link Below:
Trine Family Fun Night REGISTRATION
Email Timerson Downing: tldowning@trine.edu